Darrell's SST-45
Darrell Beaulier and Hans beside the SST-45 that we helped him to restore
for his step-grandaughter Megan Becan, forming the M.A.D. Racing Team
(Meagan and Darrell).
Boat restored by Darrell, motor and props by Hans and Joe. The powerhead was built from an abandoned 1983 Johnson 60. The motors are 44 c.i., the racing gearcase and class appeared in 1987.
These boats will run close to 80 mph on a long straightaway but the races these days are on very short, tight courses where acceleration is most important.
Megan ran her first season in the rig in 2011 at age 16, racing at Port Neches, Orange, and Highlands, Tx.
She placed 2nd at Highlands.