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McCauley & Son Outboard Services
We rework racing props to turn losers into winners, especially for OPC classes Formula 1, SST-60, SST-45, Tri-hulls, and GT Pro. We also collect and rebuild classic Evinrude and Johnson 2-stroke outboard motors and offer a few for sale.
We rebuild racing motors like the 1979 Johnson 75 Stinger shown here. The 1974 EP Class 14' Allison in the picture was restored by Hans and
Darrell Beaulier.
Joe set the kilo record for that class in 1980 (70.560 mph) and still holds it. The motor and propeller used in the kilo run were by McCauley.
We can restore your old outboard: Evinrude, Johnson, or Mercury. Parts for 1950s-present OMCs and Mercurys are readily available. Give us a call or send us an email. Our specialty is OMC, we've restored many Johnsons and Evinrudes but we also recently restored a 1959 Mercury Mark 58A. And we've rebuilt one Scott recently as well. Whether it's a racing motor or fishing motor, we hone the cylinders first with a Sunnen hone, then with a ball hone. We fit the rings by hand, getting the right ring gap. We've recently bought a new Bader bench belt sander for thinning racing props. We have a limited number of new Jim Booe props available to be reworked for 2 and 3 cyl. Johnson/Evinrude loopers, the old D and E motors, and for SST60 tunnel boat racing. We rework Dewald props for SST45 and F1Sport.